The Athlete





Bust Of a 5th Century BC ( before Christ) Greek Olympic Athlete; This  plaster Cast from two marble sculptures in Dresden, Germany. Called

 Second Floor Fiction

carnegiePrinted Portrait of Andrew Carnegie. In 1906, he gave Presque Isle $10,000 to build our Library. In today's money more than $275,000.


Howard and Espa Michaud Reading Room, second floor

venusVenus de Milo. Aphrodite of Milos discovered in 1820 on the Greek Island of Milos. The original is six feet eight inches high. Her arms and Plinth are missing.

Now the original is in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.


2nd Floor Fiction

IMG 2375Original Bessie Higgins newly restored 1972 Painting owned by the Mark and Emily Turner Memorial Library.


2nd Floor Front

slave girlNamed for a guiding light, the source of inspiration, the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of whom presided over different Fine Arts. The replica comes from the 19th century in dark casting stone.


Classical Room second floor “Muse” 

williamA small Replica in dark casting stone of a portrait of William Shakespeare, 1554 died 1616, Famous for his “Turns” and Sonnets, a poet and playwright. Studied at King Henry VI School as a a teenager. Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom.

This narrow, peaked and priggish image was not “Taken from Life”. 2016 will mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare”s Death.

2nd Floor Fiction


Twenty-five year old Michael Buonarrati's 14 foot high marble sculpture of biblical hero “David” was created between 1501 and 1504 during the High Renaissance in Florence, Italy.

Michelangelo Loft

dying slavehis Dying Slave sculpture by the Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarrati. Created between 1513 and 1516 was to serve with another figure, The Rebellious Slave at the Tomb of Pope Julius II. The marble figure 7'4” in height is held in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Our replica bust was cast personally by (Ayman Elsebaei).


Michelangelo Loft

davidTwenty-five year old Michael Buonarrati's 14 foot high marble sculpture of biblical hero “David” was created between 1501 and 1504 during the High Renaissance in Florence, Italy.

Our “David” “Head” Replica was especially cast in Italy at the Accademia di belle arti Museum, Florence where the original piece is now on view today.


Michelangelo Loft